How does gardening teach children respect for nature?

There are several ways to teach sustainability to children and gardening is one of them. Thus, a new generation is coming to set an example for future generations!

While schools have a great responsibility in raising children with ecological awareness, it is at home that the little ones learn from examples and create habits that they will carry with them for the rest of their lives. Therefore, the family also plays an important role in education for sustainability.

Gardening is one of the ways to encourage children’s contact with nature. By learning about the natural cycles of plants, children develop environmental awareness and, as they grow, they can look more critically at all practices that threaten sustainability. At the same time, create a mini vegetable garden for example, it encourages the consumption of organic food that does not affect the soil.

In addition to encouraging different learning experiences for children, gardening can also be done as a family, stimulating affective bonds. Here are these and other benefits of gardening for kids:

Practicing gardening encourages the ecological child to…

… acquiring the first scientific concepts

Gardening is a wonderful tool that integrates the child into the world of science such as botany, biology and chemistry. When you plant your seeds, the child’s curiosity begins to follow the development of your project.

… to strengthen the sense of responsibility in preserving nature

Following the plant’s growth process increases the child’s self-confidence and makes them more responsible for their attitude. Responsibility increases when she starts working out her own Checklist and care schedules, which allow you to track the progress of your crops.

… develop math skills

In gardening, the ecological child learns to calculate the ideal amount of land and water volume for the plant. It calculates the plant area, the number of seeds and fruits that will germinate. Acquires notions of geometry by observing the shapes the plant acquires over time!

… sharpen your sense of planning

Nothing is more productive than knowing exactly what to do, like the correct date and time for each step. In this way, the child develops his ability to organize and plan. This learning is sure to have great reflexes in your adult stage!

… improve cognitive development

The child will be encouraged to research and tell information about the plantation, learn about tillage, weeding and other actions necessary to grow their garden successfully. Gradually you will get to know your plants better by identifying and distinguishing roots, stems, leaves, flowers and seeds.

… learn to ‘cultivate’ patience

Learning that there is time to plant, water and harvest is fundamental to the ecological child. In the future, this quality will be important for major decisions. The famous maxim, “haste is the enemy of perfection” becomes the motto of the ecological child!

+3 sustainable habits families can teach children:

In addition to gardening, there are many other ways to encourage environmental care and ecological awareness from an early age. See more tips below:

  1. Saving water and electricity: Teach your child that lights and electronics should not be left on when not in use. A quick shower saves liters of clean water and the same goes for brushing your teeth with the tap closed!
  2. Healthy food: having a balanced family diet, preferring natural food and without industrialized packaging is also a way to avoid the impact on the environment. Teaching the nutritional value of each food encourages children to appreciate what they eat.
  3. Recycling: the reuse of old toys or shrunk clothes is essential for the child to become a conscious consumer, which gives value to the reuse of these items. When recycling waste, it is possible to show children how to separate recyclable waste from organic waste, explaining how important this is for nature.

This post was created by greenco, a brand committed to sustainability. the line of ecological children’s clothing helps families show the importance of sustainability from an early age!

#gardening #teach #children #respect #nature

Author: healthtips

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