The animation depicting the adventures of a friendly 4-year-old pig named Peppa, along with her family and friends, has been shown in Brazil since 2013 and has already won thousands of children of different ages.
Why do little ones love the drawing of the Peppa?
With simple lines and vibrant colors, the episodes offer different challenges, learning and experiences. In a playful way, Peppa teaches children to live with differences and shows them the importance of sharing toys at school, respecting each other in play, learning together and having fun no matter the situation.
All these situations are part of the daily life of many children. After all, what little one doesn’t love to have fun with friends, learn new things, and even get up a little every now and then? For these reasons, the design launched in the UK in 2004 continues to surprise little ones around the world.
Children between 1 and 5 years old are the biggest fans of Peppa Pig’s adventures. At this age, little ones develop fine motor coordination, in addition to learning through repetition.
If your kid is having fun with Peppa, you’ve probably seen him try to repeat some of the character’s and gang’s moves.
This happens because during the episodes the Peppa Pig characters do simple moves like jump, turn, and squat, over and over. Observing these gestures helps the little ones to absorb these basic concepts of mobility and encourages them to playfully reproduce the same movements.
Curiosity about the drawing of Peppa Pig
Do you already know Peppa and her friends well? Read more about this drawing that won children over:
1 – The Peppa Pig cartoon is broadcast in more than 180 countries in Europe, Asia, Latin America and North America and Oceania.
two – All the characters in the cartoon are mammals, with the exception of Dona Jacaré, who appears in an episode of the zoo.
3 – The Peppa Pig characters’ face is never shown from the front or back, all characters only appear from the side. Peppa Pig’s Facebook page has over 2.6 million followers
4 – There is a Peppa Pig theme park in England called Peppa Pig World with over 60 attractions.
5 – Peppa Pig Theme Park is Peppa’s new theme park and will open in 2022 in the United States.
6 – More than 200 episodes have been broadcast worldwide.
7 – The children’s series has been translated into more than 40 languages.
8 – All child characters have a name, but adult animals are only called by the animal they represent: Grandpa Pig, Dona Gazela, Senhora Coelho, etc.
9 – Peppa Pig’s Facebook page has over 2.6 million followers
10 – Mama Pig’s voice actress also provides the voices for Doctor Mouse, Goat and Madame Gazelle.
11 – The movie “Peppa Pig: The Golden Boots and Other Stories” was released to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the cartoon.
12 – In Brazil, episodes of Peppa Pig’s adventures are shown by TV Cultura and Discovery Kids.
The children next to Peppa
The value of friendship, early discoveries and the importance of managing conflict are some of the lessons children will learn from Peppa Pig’s personalized book collection. “Little big adventures”.
Together with the pig and her friends, the little ones will have fun learning new things in three stories that will last a lifetime! All the books in the collection have space for the family to write a special assignment to the child, making this gift even more special and unique. Click here to adjust.
Clube Dentro da História subscribers can include the stories of the most beloved pig in the world in their book trail and receive the book monthly, accompanied by a super reading package with activities and games. Click here to discover the Club.
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